Lavender for Anxiety
ANXIETY ~ it has many causes, but I’m here to simplify some of them for you!!
Anxiety can be a simple chemical imbalance in the brain, often driven by adrenal dysfunction or other related issues such as bacterial imbalance in the gut, poor sleep, and poor food choices (to name a few).
Nutritional and herbal medicine can be extremely effective in treating anxiety; studies have even shown that simply by smelling lavender, it works better than Benzodiazepines (which are medications such as Valium) commonly prescribed for anxiety. Lavender does this by binding to your GABA receptors on your brain (which is your inhibitory, calming brain chemical).... and that’s just through our sense of smell!!!!
Also simple lifestyle techniques like meditation, having more time to yourself, and allowing for adequate relaxation can be extremely effective..
Did you also know that there are certain species of bacteria that can reside in our gut that cause anxiety?! Crazy to think about it right?