Polyphenols for good gut health
POLYPHENOLS FOR GUT HEALTH ~ polyphenols are compounds found in various plants, which have very powerful antioxidant properties.
Did you know that Polyphenols can actually help support gut health?!
They are the preferred fuel source for several strains of beneficial bacteria which come under the Bacteroidetes species class.
These bacteria should take up the brunt of your microbiome, as they have powerful FAT BURNING, ANTI-INFLAMMATORY, and IMMUNE BOOSTING properties - need I say more?
Some of my favourite sources of polyphenols include all your delicious aromatic spices (pictured here is clove, star anise, Ginger, dandelion root and cinnamon), as well as green tea, turmeric, garlic, red wine, dark leafy greens, artichokes and deep coloured berries.
I have 1-2 cups of loose leaf chai daily, use turmeric & garlic in pretty much everything, and regularly ensure I have a variety of leafy greens and berries in my diet!
Something so simple can actually make such a big difference in so many areas of your health!