Low Libido?

Did you know that the Oral Contraceptive Pill (OCP) and some menopause hormone therapy (MHT) increases something called Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)?

SHBG is a protein in which the majority of our testosterone is bound to. When testosterone is bound to SHBG, it is not biologically active.

Testosterone is vital for a healthy libido in both men and women.

Now whilst you may think as a female lower testosterone may be great to reduce breakouts (there are many other things that could cause that!), it plays an extremely important role in your sexual health.

Have you been put on the pill or hormone therapy and completely lost your sex drive? This is why!

Just another fun side effect of hormonal medication women are put on.

Low libido can also be caused by high stress, insufficient sleep, prolonged steroid medication use, ovarian failure and oophorectomy, and use of many antidepressants. Low testosterone can also cause symptoms of fatigue, low moods, loss of muscle strength and hair loss.

If this sounds like you and you’re NOT on the pill, perhaps it’s time to get a blood test. This is where our team of Naturopths and Nutritionists can help, and work on targeted treatment with nutritional and herbal medicine.


PMID: 11304877


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