Zinc deficiency & fertility

ZINC is an incredibly important mineral required for optimal fertility outcomes. It is essential for the growth and development of a fetus, DNA replication, protein synthesis, optimal FSH and LH synthesis and therefore ovulation and sperm production, DNA synthesis of a developing oocyte (egg), is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent damage to the oocytes and sperm, is essential for optimal thyroid function, and is essential for sperm production and seminal fluid synthesis (just to name a few things!). 

Zinc deficiency is common, and can be increased by taking the oral contraceptive pill, Copper IUD (too much copper = low zinc), smoking and taking high dose iron supplements. Some signs of a zinc deficiency include white spots on nails, poor wound healing, dry, cracked skin, stretch marks, brittle hair and nails, irritability and anxiety (often due to copper excess), acne, low testosterone, poor immune function, impotence, and loss of taste and smell.


https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.2006204, PMID 32824334, 


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